The Ten Co Fortune Cookies, The nicely balanced hybrid cannabis strain Fortune Cookies strain emits a scent
reminiscent of its name – sweet, honeyed, and lemony with some noting hints of pine or mint. Its taste is as sweet,
making this strain famous for its delicious flavor. When ready for harvest, it produces small but chunky buds covered in
lots of trichomes giving it a frosty appeal as if coated in sugar.
THC levels vary depending on crop and growing conditions but are known to be quite high – in the high teens and
twenties. It’s high is known to induce lots of creativity, having your mind filled with inspiration and motivation. If
consumed correctly, energy will increase and stress will melt away. Large doses will push the consumer into a couch-
lock and create sleepiness.
The negatives of this strain are your usual dry mouth and eyes, with some reviewers experiencing paranoia or mild
cases of dizziness when consumed in high doses.
Flowering time for Fortune Cookies is the average eight to nine weeks.
Given how potent it is, this strain is a prime choice for those who are treating medical conditions. Mood disorders
including depression, stress, and anxiety are best served, while Fortune Cookies the ten co is also fairly effective for
general pain including headaches and cramps.
Cannabinoid Lab Data
Cannabinoid Amount
THC: 24%
AS-THC: 0.76%
CBD: <1%
CBN: 0.02%
A8-THC: <0.01%
CBD-A: 0.07%
CBC: 0.03%
CBG: <0.01
CBG-A: 0.28%
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